A corporation shall notify members of the date, time, and place, if any, of each annual and special members' meeting. A corporation shall hold a meeting of members annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws.Such request shall be made at least once a year in writing and include the lot owner's name, address, zip code, and any email address as appropriate. Save the updated info (File Save) and not use "Send update" button. A person who files for bankruptcy without the representation of an attorney is a pro se debtor. You can update a meeting in Outlook without triggering notifications to all attendees. Here's how you can achieve this. The following documents are required to complete the Chesapeake business license application process successfully. If you have a water or sewer emergency after pm, please call us at (804) 501-5025. May an employer pay out unused benefits to some employees when they leave the company, but not to others?