Quietly exit the meeting after it has finished, leave the employee to sleep and leave a courteous note on the table in front of them. WakeUp Call to Employers: Minimize Risks of Worker Misclassification, as appeared in New York Employment Law Letter.As an employer, you or your authorized representative must complete and sign Section 2 of Form I9, Employment Eligibility Verification, within 3 business days. Question: If an employer keeps its business open, can deductions lawfully be made for a full day absence from the salary of exempt employees? This guide provides information on how to talk to your employer about taking job-protected leave for family or medical reasons under the FMLA. Upload the completed supplemental form and any other relevant documents. ,. Defendant. NOTICE OF DIVORCE TRIAL. Not specify the purpose for the meeting or the business to be conducted. Forget the successful CEO stereotype who wakes up at 4 a.m. Science—and workers—show that morning larks don't always run the show at work.