Thank you for your interest in reserving a Picnic Site. The City of Alameda has many beautiful, welcoming and relaxing parks.Step 2: Reserve: Go to the online reservation system which is quick and easy to check availability and to reserve and pay for your picnic. Please see the attached image for details to respond to the picnic invitation from the host Ani Dimusheva. George Moscone launched a formal campaign for Governor in 1973. In a crowded field, he attempted to clinch the Democratic nomination but ultimately withdrew. There are six (6) reservable sites at Crown Memorial State Beach. Beer and wine is only allowed with a picnic reservation and has an additional fee. These appendices are a collection of technical and planning documents prepared during the. St. MARyS, Pa. SNPJ Lodge 581 held a combined picnic with the North Central Penn sylvania Slovenian Polka Boosters on Aug. 25.