Please keep in mind the suggested procedure is for visitor visa applications only. 1. Appendix C2: Cuyahoga County EDI Invitation Letter.The Center for International Services and Programs no longer issues letters for enrollment verification nor to invite family members for commencement. To fill this opening, the PRC sends the hiring department and. We are thrilled to invite you to be a part of this years most magical journey, starting November 8th and continuing through December 21st. The letter should be free, but you may need to register to the conference to convince people you are actually attending the conference. Please enter your address and select from the drop down. Qualifications. Must be 21 years of age and under the age of 55 at the time of appointment to the City of Cleveland Police Training Academy. Junior Brooke Misukonis competes in the pole vault at the Marshall Invite. Getting out of the mentoring.