Please enter your details below and click on the Create Letter button. WJMC staff stay in touch with families from the moment students receive their invitation in the mail.Consequently, offerors should provide complete, thorough proposals with the offerors most favorable terms. I am writing to ask whether you would be willing to present a talk at the conference as an invited speaker. Invited talks will be one hour long. SECTION 504 Parent consent is required for initial Section 504 evaluations and any formal assessments. WORKFORCE CREDITS: Inmate Workforce earn a commissary credit after completing their 30 day assignment. Invite students to circle up. In order to request a visa letter of invitation you must be registered for the IMS Annual Meeting and your registration must be paid in full. Save Beverly Fairfax would like to invite you to our ANNUAL BLOCK PARTY on Sunday October 13th in celebration of our historic neighborhood!