Invitation Letter to Choir - On behalf of the leadership here at (name of church), I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you and your Choir. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.I am directed to inform you about the proceedings of our Music Concert which is part of our Choir Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our Choir is once again looking for new members, and I wanted to be sure to invite everyone to come out for an informational meeting. Follow a few simple steps to create a variety of invitation letters for your church using our free templates. Writing a request letter to the head of a church asking permission to host a program should be done with respect, clarity, and professionalism. The students were so excited to share what they know about their letter and to come up with many different words that begin with their letter. The Batestown Oral History Project provides primary source material via oral history interviews focusing on the African American community of Batestown.