How to write a letter inviting my brother who lives in Haiti to attend my wedding in the US? To help you extend invitations, we have samples on how to write a letter to your friend to invite to your brother's wedding for you.It gives me immense pleasure to cordially Invite you and your family on the auspicious occasion of my brother's marriage. 7. Mail your custom stationery and get your guests excited for your special event! Our brother's wedding would be pretty complete with your participation. You are cordially invited to my brother's wedding. We look forward to celebrating with you. Need an invitation letter for your Schengen visa? In this blog, you will find samples of how to write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your brother. I would think that if the invitation begins in the 3rd person, it would be proper to use 3rd person pronouns, as in "They (Mrs.