Invitation Letter to Choir - On behalf of the leadership here at (name of church), I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you and your Choir. Follow a few simple steps to create a variety of invitation letters for your church using our free templates.Dave Maughan: "Along with my exciting duties on the city council, I serve on the. North Davis Sewer Board as vice-chair. Writing a request letter to the head of a church asking permission to host a program should be done with respect, clarity, and professionalism. Welcome to a new week. Recollect, all accounts and papers are to be sent to me at Salt Lake. Please find attached a comprehensive review of the Ivory Homes proposal with regard to 675 North F Street. Our Choir is once again looking for new members, and I wanted to be sure to invite everyone to come out for an informational meeting. Last March, one of them was to be held in Salt Lake City.