Invitation Letter to Choir - On behalf of the leadership here at (name of church), I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you and your Choir. I am requesting your permission to approve the choir to attend the music concert to host.Learn how to write an effective choir application letter to successfully join your desired choir. Get tips and inspiration from other applicants! The letter invites singers to participate in a festival of hymns and gospel music to be held on February 7 at Bethel AME Church in Tallahassee. Follow a few simple steps to create a variety of invitation letters for your church using our free templates. I invite you to join us as we explore how we receive the intentional investment of the God of the universe and all eternity in our finite little worlds. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the facts I have provided on this form (and any attachments) are true. Learn how to craft a compelling application letter to join a choir. Follow our tips for writing an engaging and effective letter!