Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am directed to inform you about the proceedings of our Music Concert which is part of our ChoirI wanted to extend to you an official invitation to join the. Waupaca Community Chorus for what promises to be an enjoyable and memorable 57th. Concert. I am requesting your permission to approve the choir to attend the music concert to host. The document is a letter inviting singers to participate in a choir festival being held on February 7th in Tallahassee, Florida. Below is a sample invitation to an event that you can send to a legislator or candidate. We welcome you all to join the St. Gregory Choir of Regina Caeli Catholic Church Karen. Use this sample letter as a guide for inviting legislators or candidates to your event. For new or existing residents of any community, it can be encouraging and interesting to receive an invitation to a church in the area.