Follow a few simple steps to create a variety of invitation letters for your church using our free templates. We created three free templates you can use as a starting point.Also include your church's website URL in the footer of your letter, along with any contact information you would like to highlight. We've compiled common types of donation requests, plus carefully crafted templates that your team can use to jumpstart your outreach. Kickstart your church fundraising campaigns! Easily customize these nine free templates to match your church's message and start getting donations today! Any teen that is entering at least the 9th grade is invited and welcomed to join us here at Our Lady of Consolation to share in faith, fun, and friendship. You may also join us on YouTube and Facebook, including archived Masses. Below are directions to make your fundraising letter, along with several examples of fundraising letters that you can copy and edit for your own trip. Does your team of fundraisers need some fundraising inspiration?