We'll detail everything you need to know about how to invite a guest speaker, from the earliest planning stages to drafting a formal speaker invitation letter. On behalf of the XYZ and the XYZ Organizing Committee, we are honored to invite you to speak at the XYZ event celebrating Cybersecurity Career Week (CCW).Begin with a Polite Greeting. You should write the invitation using the third person instead of the first person and keep the same continuous verb tense. Write your request that she or he appear, giving the date, time, type of event event, and the name of the group you hope they will visit. Your invitation should be a formal email (or letter). Outline the reasons why you've chosen them as the best person to speak at your event. To resolve personal differences with your roommate, follow these steps (to be proactive, fill out a roommate agreement):. 1. In the background is a Petillocustomized Fender Jaguar. Dave Petillo creates custom pickguards for many of Van Zandt's guitars.