If you decide to reject the settlement offer, you'll need to do so in writing. After careful consideration, we have discussed the counter-offer provided.Learn "do's and don'ts" of returning rejected offers, and some options for dealing with rejecting multiple offers on a property. If you disagree with the offer, you can decline it. However, rejecting a settlement offer isn't as simple as saying, "Sorry, I won't accept it." Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. Right of first refusal in real estate (ROFR) is a contractual clause that gives the right holder the first opportunity to make an offer to buy the property. Officer was not required to evaluate the procurement on the basis of the cost analysis provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2306(f) and paragraph 3—807.3 of the Armed. , requires that assessors utilize WPAM when valuing real property. Use this form to apply for asylum in the United States and for withholding of removal (formerly called "withholding of deportation").