If you decide to reject the settlement offer, you'll need to do so in writing. Understand your options when the insurance company makes a lowball injury settlement offer, and see a claimant's sample response letter.Victims who want to respond to a low settlement demand offer must use factual information, persuasive arguments, and a professional tone. Here is an example of what a demand letter might look like in a car accident claim where the crash resulted in serious injury. Learn why you should never accept the initial settlement offer from the insurance company after a car accident. In this article, find out the proper way to do this. This is a sample demand letter for an auto collision claim where the claimant suffered serious injuries, including a broken ankle and torn knee ligaments. Negotiating your personal injury settlement with an insurance company can be a harrowing experience best left in the hands of a skilled attorney. These injuries have caused us to lose enjoyment of common, ordinary life activities, many of which involve trips in the car. You can use your health and auto insuranceif you were in a car accidentto pay for medical expenses.