Your debt settlement proposal letter must be formal and clearly state your intentions and what you expect from your creditors. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.Failure to make timely payments may, upon notice, result in the firm's withdrawal as your attorney in this matter. Use this letter to help you negotiate a full and final settlement offer with a creditor. Here's everything you need to know about drafting and filing an Answer to a credit card debt lawsuit, with sample Answers included. I am writing about the money which you are claiming I owe on the above account. I can confirm that I am unable to offer to pay in full what I owe. To make a debt settlement agreement, you should identify your debt owner, negotiate a settlement, and formalize the agreement in writing with all details. As full payment and satisfaction of the Present Debt. Asset forfeiture payees are required to complete a valid Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) Vendor Request Form to receive payment.