You can fill in the appropriate information and mail this to the debt collection agency harassing you. Sample Cease and Desist Letter: Insert date.Here is a quick template for those looking to send a settlement offer to a collection agency or Pay for Delete. DATE. This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. A debt settlement letter is all you need to negotiate debts with your creditors to pay a certain settlement amount to the collection agency. I am writing to inform you of your legal notice under the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) that I refuse to pay this debt. Not sure about how to counter your creditor's debt settlement offer? Download this free Debt Settlement Offer Letter sample. She sues Defendant for sending her, and members of the putative class, allegedly misleading debt collection letters. I am writing in regards to the above-referenced debt to inform you that I am disputing this debt.