If you reject a settlement offer, or fail to keep up with a payment arrangement, your creditor might take you to court. A debt settlement letter contains a proposal offer that will hopefully open the door to negotiate a fair and reasonable debt settlement.Service to the email address of record is completed when the email is sent. I am writing in regards to the above-referenced debt to inform you that I am disputing this debt. Here is a quick template for those looking to send a settlement offer to a collection agency or Pay for Delete. This article will explain how to handle debt settlement on your own and how to write the best debt settlement letter possible. This Easy Form helps you make a letter to tell a collection agency that a debt is exempt from collection under federal and Illinois law. Fill in your information on the template letter and edit it as needed to fit your situation. 3. Print and mail the letter. Filing is in a format and contains data sufficiently complete so that the filing qualifies as a claim).