Writing the Settlement Offer Letter​​ Specify the amount that you can pay, as well as what you expect from the creditor in return. Here is a quick template for those looking to send a settlement offer to a collection agency or Pay for Delete.A good debt settlement letter should be concise, thorough, and convincing enough to get a creditor to agree to your terms. Offers from debt collectors to settle your debt for less than you owe are very real. Some mailed offers are really good, and some can be negotiated lower. You can use the following Cease and Desist letter to debt collectors as a template. This article will explain how to handle debt settlement on your own and how to write the best debt settlement letter possible. Because of this and because of unanticipated changes in the law, the Rural Law Center of New. Notify the police, bank or credit card company, particularly in the case of theft. "Register." Means the register of wills having jurisdiction of granting of letters testamentary or of administration. "Trust.