We have thoroughly evaluated our financial situation and, unfortunately, we are unable to meet the revised terms outlined in the counter offer. Victims who want to respond to a low settlement demand offer must use factual information, persuasive arguments, and a professional tone.Learn "do's and don'ts" of returning rejected offers, and some options for dealing with rejecting multiple offers on a property. Edit, sign, and share letter to decline offer online. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free. Understand your options when the insurance company makes a lowball injury settlement offer, and see a claimant's sample response letter. If there is no compliance, then the tenant can send a letter notifying the landlord that they are applying the security and interest to the rent. Introduction letters will be provided for the Contractor and its subcontractors. The Council of the Township of Monroe met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Cranbury was held at p.m.