You can use the following Cease and Desist letter to debt collectors as a template. Request to begin debt settlement negotiations.If the collection agency or creditor rejects your offer, don't lose hope. NRS 649.196 Qualifications of applicant; requirements for issuance; notice of refusal to issue certificate; request for hearing; withdrawal of application. Demand letters are essentially a cease and desist letter, formally requesting that the creditor or debt collector stop contacting you. I am writing in regards to the above-referenced debt to inform you that I am disputing this debt. A debt settlement letter is a tool to negotiate with your creditors and settle your debt at a lump sum payment you're comfortable making. This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. I do not believe that I owe this debt or what you say I owe. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Section 809(b), Validating.