Understand your options when the insurance company makes a lowball injury settlement offer, and see a claimant's sample response letter. Victims who want to respond to a low settlement demand offer must use factual information, persuasive arguments, and a professional tone.In this article, find out the proper way to do this. Sample Letter: Rejecting a Low Settlement Offer​​ I received your letter dated (date) with your offer of settlement. (1) Write back to accept offer of settlement (Sample letter at Annex I); and. (2) Request for the settlement documentation. Table 6.2, a motor vehicle accident, in which most (10 out of 15) of its verdict statements appeared while the plaintiff's case was still on-going. Filling out forms for persons with visual impairments or have low vision. Pima County wants to set up a FEMA vaccination site in the Tucson area but state leaders have turned down the federal government's help. Finally, Captain Isaac Hull's shark vertebrae cane from the War of 1812 offers a rare glimpse into naval triumphs and honor from a bygone era.