Understand your options when the insurance company makes a lowball injury settlement offer, and see a claimant's sample response letter. Victims who want to respond to a low settlement demand offer must use factual information, persuasive arguments, and a professional tone.If you disagree with the offer, you can decline it. However, rejecting a settlement offer isn't as simple as saying, "Sorry, I won't accept it." If you decide to reject the settlement offer, you'll need to do so in writing. Rejecting a settlement offer signals to an insurer that you will advocate for a fair settlement value that matches your losses. I crafted a demand letter, from a combination of many templates I found online. Lawyers commonly call this a 998 settlement offer or just a 998, and it can be useful as a form of leverage in a personal injury case. Google declined to comment, while Oracle and Apple did not respond to requests for comment. But why does Costco require a membership in the first place?