Understand your options when the insurance company makes a lowball injury settlement offer, and see a claimant's sample response letter. Most settlement offers will come with an expiration date, ranging from a few days to several weeks, after which the other party can withdraw the offer.If you disagree with the offer, you can decline it. However, rejecting a settlement offer isn't as simple as saying, "Sorry, I won't accept it." Ultimately, it's up to you -- but I wouldn't accept any settlement offer without at least talking with a lawyer about your options. I crafted a demand letter, from a combination of many templates I found online. If you decide to reject the settlement offer, you'll need to do so in writing. If you decide to reject the settlement offer, you'll need to do so in writing. The settlement agreement did not reference payment of Megna's statutory attorney's fees. Contract between the tenant and landlord, transferring possession and use of the rental property.