(a) Meetings of shareholders may be held at any place within or without this state as may be stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. For example, the shareholders' agreement may: Excuse a close corporation from the need to hold annual meetings of shareholders and directors.An annual meeting of shareholders shall be held for the election of directors on a date and at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. City Council Agendas, including Staff Reports are posted onto our City's Website 72 hours before each Council Meeting. We exist to help people thrive Advancing health and nutrition is what we do best and care about most. The new board member will then be up for a shareholder approval vote at the 2025 annual shareholders meeting. The Court's ruling on Kong's demurrer sets out the timeline for meeting and conferring. The United States embargo against Cuba has prevented U.S. businesses from conducting trade or commerce with Cuban interests since 1958.