The Commission shall hold meetings as often as necessary to complete Commission business. Determining the options available for annual meetings requires an analysis of relevant state corporate law as well as the organization's governing documents.All Board of Directors' meetings for the Cuyahoga Land Bank are open to the public and include an opportunity for public comment. These rules shall be known as the Local Rules of Practice and Procedure for the General Division of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. (10). In the event a vacancy exists in the total Membership of the Executive Committee, the Chairman may appoint qualified individuals to fill such vacancies. Meeting of the term or a special meeting called for organizational purposes. Cuyahoga County Planning Commission. PVHA holds its first general meeting. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of. Scheduled seminars or webinars may be canceled immediately before an event if there are low registration numbers.