A membership corporation shall hold a meeting of members annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. In Georgia, agendas must be included in the annual meeting notice.This chapter discusses the conduct of meetings, preparation for meetings, rules of procedure, and encouragement of citizen participation. ACCG serves as the consensus building, training, and legislative organization for all 159 county governments in. Georgia. To request a meeting with the Governor, please fill out the provided form or feel free to mail a physical copy to our scheduling department. Submitting a meeting notice begins the validation process. An error message will be displayed if any required section is not appropriately completed. Minutes are the written record of all actions in a meeting, including city council meetings. Beneficial ownership reports must be filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau within the US Department of Treasury. Are you interested in being involved with the planning and execution of the 2025 Oral History Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA?