This section requires annual meetings of a property owners' association's membership. It allows a member to demand a meeting if the board fails to call one.Sec. 6.003. PARTICIPATION CONSTITUTES PRESENCE. Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Yes, state law allows for all property types, including "noncondominium" properties, to conduct virtual annual meetings. If the founders have not purchased an official corporate seal, delete the foregoing. 1. Designate open forum time on the meeting agenda. The purpose of this form is to gather standardized information from all potential presenters interested in speaking at an HR Houston monthly meeting. Come join us in America's "city in a forest" where you will find a diverse array of food options and culture. Spots for teams and sponsorships are filling up fast, so head over to our registration page and register today!