This course examines the biology of cells, the basic unit of life on Earth. The course addresses several central themes in cellular biology.Cell Sciences and Genetics (30 credits) - Compulsory. ASCB is an inclusive, international community for cell biology, composed of biologists studying the cell, the fundamental unit of life. The Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology is a non-clinical department that has a rich history of excellence in research, education and service. In this course, you will learn about the body's major organs, how diseases affect them, and how to treat and prevent them. Students will apply the concepts of cell biology to disease processes such as cancer. More than fifteen years of teaching biology and science courses for biology majors, pre-health career majors, and non science majors. We Help You Figure Out Course Placement! At MCC, we use multiple measures and guided self-placement for course placement for English and math.