OCHN's Access screening process determines where people's needs are best met, based on severity and urgency. Join us in beautiful Monterey, CA, on Thursday, November 7, through Saturday, November 9, to sharpen your expertise and get up to speed on current issues.The Policies and Conditions are published to help Oakland University students understand the policies related to financial assistance. A motion is a formal request, made in writing, asking the court for a specific action. The written motion must be filed with the Oakland County Clerk's Office. Founded in 1966 in Oakland, California, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was the era's most influential militant black power organization. Use these links to explore all available career and volunteer opportunities at OAK and the airport's major tenants. To consider and act upon a proposal to approve, if necessary, an adjournment or postponement of the 2020 Annual Meeting of. The court may consider an emergency motion at any time. The official website of the City of Oakland.