In this 8th Biannual Special Interest Subgroup Meeting, we propose to bring together a group of investigators using systematic genetic and chemical methods. It includes the Keynote, Symposia, Special Interest Subgroups, Workshops, Panels, Sponsored Scientific Sessions, and Microsymposia.The Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Neurobiology Chairpersons (AACBNC) is an organization of Chairs, interim chairs, or permanent substitutes. Thank you for your interest in graduate education at Ohio University and the interdisciplinary program in Molecular and Cellular Biology. The 2024 Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program and Center for RNA Biology Symposium will be held on Tuesday, May 7th at the Ohio Union. The 2014 Midwestern Section annual meeting was held March 22–23 at the Fawcett Center on The. Ohio State University campus in Columbus. Ph.D. Supervisory Committee Meeting Annual Report.