❖ Failure submit the Selective Service number will result in the student not being considered a College Credit Plus participant for that semester or term. Determining the options available for annual meetings requires an analysis of relevant state corporate law as well as the organization's governing documents.It's our goal to consolidate fairs, approve fairs that have a larger number of schools planning the events in order to reach out to a wider number of students. Ohio's community colleges are considered public bodies. What is needed for eligibility in CCP? • Student must complete an assessment exam and be determined "eligible" based on exam scores for College Credit Plus. ("14th Annual MLK Jr. Day Brunch," "OHIO Club weekly meeting," etc.) Step 2: Fill out the "Event Details" section. The President will notify the Chief Executive Officer of NACAC of the newly elected officers and delegates within two weeks of the annual conference. 3. Frequently Asked Questions About CollegeAdvantage. You're not alone when it comes to questions about college savings.