Do I have to file an annual report? Business entities in Ohio are not required to file an annual report.The LLC annual filing in Ohio laws doesn't require you to submit any annual report. Anyone who wants to form an LLC in Ohio must register their business with the Ohio Secretary of State before the company can operate. Through Ohio Business Central, you can file a number of forms online, obtain and request publications, search existing businesses, and sign up for our. This guide to starting an LLC in Ohio provides step-by-step instructions on filing formation documents, obtaining tax IDs, and setting up company records. Unlike most states, Ohio LLCs and corporations are not required to submit an annual report. Annual Requirements in Ohio​​ Unlike other states, Ohio does not require LLCs to file annual reports or pay annual fees to keep the LLC in good standing. Determine your due date and filing fee. Starting an Ohio LLC requires designating a statutory agent and filing Form 610 – the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State.