The attorneys at JacksonWhite have the experience and understanding to effectively pursue your case. Conducting a successful annual meeting requires knowledge of the association's documents, planning, organization, preparation and execution of the plan.The mere presence of an attorney of the public body in the meeting room is not sufficient to justify the use of this executive session provision. The location and the type of meeting you decide to hold will depend on your company, the matters to be voted on, investor expectations, and company resources. Kristy L. Peters represents and counsels employers regarding all types of labor and employment matters arising under federal and state laws. Nicole Maroulakos Goodwin is Co-Managing Shareholder of the Phoenix Office. Fill out the contact form or call us at (408) 436-0789 to schedule your free consultation. The Board considers that all of the resolutions to be put to the. AGM are in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders as a whole. Filing your corporate tax returns timely and consistently is another item of proof that your corporation should be respected.