Key details discussed include certification of quorum. We are providing this circular and proxy materials to you in connection with our annual meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020.This Annual Meeting of Shareholders Script (NY Corporation) template provides a script for a New York corporation's annual meeting of shareholders. From keeping board meeting minutes to ensuring conversations remain on topic, here are some tips on how to host an annual shareholder meeting. An overview of what is required to go to the Berkshire Hathaway Annual General Meeting. Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for our Annual Meeting to be held on April 24, 2024. Our Proxy Statement,. The directors must issue shares at the first meeting. A person who receives a corporation's shares will become a shareholder. During the Exit Conference, QCPA officials were again advised to provide any evidence that they believe refuted any of the audit's findings.