Queens 2024 Annual Public Meeting. These accommodations help students with special health needs to participate in New York City Department of Education (DOE) programs and activities.Where does the meeting notice form identify whether the meeting is a Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Subcommittee meeting? The Transition Needs section of the IEP must identify the high school curriculum that will prepare the student to meet their postsecondary goals. Good evening, I am Alan Aviles, President of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, our City's public hospital system. The purpose of the annual meeting is to inform the public on the programs and plans of New York City Health and hospitals. Find forms that school staff and Family Welcome Centers provide to families for enrollment, registration, and more. This booklet explains many of these laws you need to know and provides resources where you can find more information about landlord and tenant issues. If the paper form you are using has a year under the New York State map in the upper-left corner, you can only use that form for that tax year. If a CD-ROM is the sole source of material referenced, cite it as in the example below.