This policy establishes a systematic procedure for accepting and reviewing applications from persons interested in serving on Boards and Commissions. The special meeting aims to enable the shareholders to know the company's affairs and vote on the management's recommendations in the proposed resolution.Below are the forms, fees, and appointment process to apply for a Planning permit or related process. To schedule a meeting, please send a list of the officials participating in the meeting, issues of interest, and the date of the visit to San Jose. Thank you for taking the time to attend today's meeting. You can call the Department at (408) 794-1000 or if outside the 408 area code you can use (800) 732-6477. San José State University. Lesson: How to Write Agendas and Meeting Minutes. You may remain anonymous, but please fill out a card so we may call you. You can put "anonymous speaker" or "no name" on the card.