This information is intended to acquaint employing agencies and candidates with a summary of selected aspects of Civil Service Laws and Rules. With respect to meeting notices, Special Commissions must file a meeting notice with the clerk of either the House or Senate.We enforce the State Labor Laws for minimum wage, hours of work, employment of minors, payment of wages, farm labor, nursing mothers in the workplace, and more. The Performance Evaluation Program calls for periodic meetings between you and your supervisor and results in an annual written performance evaluation. Here's how to set up, hold, and leverage upward skip-level conversations for your benefit — and the benefit of the organization as a whole. 1. These accommodations help students with special health needs to participate in New York City Department of Education (DOE) programs and activities. While tenants in rent regulated or government subsidized apartments have special rights, many rules and laws apply to both unregulated and regulated apartments. I share a One Note Notebook with my manager and all my s. We can each add topics between meetings. It is illegal for your boss to force or intimidate you into giving up your overtime pay.