Texas law requires property owners' associations to hold at least one annual meeting of their members. Designate open forum time on the meeting agenda.Yes, state law allows for all property types, including "noncondominium" properties, to conduct virtual annual meetings. Attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs, and similar activities need not be counted as working time if the following four criteria are met. If extensive amendments are proposed, the entity should consider filing a restated certificate of formation pursuant to section 3.059 of the BOC (Form 414). Absolutely. Texas is a single party consent state. That means you can record whether audio or video without asking the other persons permission. This guide is designed for managers and employees and provides general information and best practices for giving and receiving annual performance appraisals. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts collects management information for corporations and LLCs from the entity's Public Information Report (PIR). UTSA's performance management process includes an end-of-year employee and manager evaluation meeting to review performance ratings.