If you have not already. Tesla's Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at PM Central Time.There are eight (8) proposals to be voted on at this annual meeting, each of which is described in the company's proxy statement. Elections will be held Thursday, April 28, 2022, for the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee during our online Annual Membership Meeting. We have heard you, and now we formally ask that you speak in a meaningful way: and vote in favor of taking Tesla to our business home of Texas. Forms are available on the Secretary of State website and the Texas Ethics Commission website but the full Candidate Packet is obtained from the City Secretary. Upcoming Board Meeting. Jan. 29. 2025. Thanks to all who came out and participated in this annual tradition. Please indicate below how you would like your proxy to vote on your behalf on the resolutions. Travis Ensley Joins Gain Compliance Board.