WHEREAS, the PAAA requires that the Corporation to annually review and approve it policies with regard to its Property Disposition Policy (the "Property. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Corporation's ByLaws the Corporation is holding its annual meeting to address various organizational matters.With the Annual Meeting coming up on June 7, 2024, it is important to know the membership attendance and voting guidelines ahead of time. The Ph.D. program is designed especially, though not exclusively, for those wishing to prepare for a career as professional philosophers. We celebrate the transformative power of Community Action and reaffirm our pledge to empower, uplift, and support those in need. When emailing your forms, you must fill out your email address and attach any documents you want to submit with your Petition (i.e. The Wayne Assistive Technology Team (WATT) provides assistive technology devices and services to local districts and public school academies in Wayne County. Toward meeting the goals set out in the student's IEP. Even in the above examples, however, the nature of a meeting may change as it progresses. See our website instructions for what forms are required to be filed together in a single attachment.