Fairfax County operates under a merit system, which means that applicants are selected for jobs on the basis of their education, experience and skills. FCPS is now piloting the use of the Verifent platform to confirm that requests for verification of employment or verification of income are legitimate.Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. If you cannot find an individual's name, use the job title of the recipient (Example: Office Manager), "Human Resources," or "Search Committee. Select from the options below to jump to a specific section. To get the name change court order, you need to apply for it through mail or in person at the Fairfax County Circuit Court. You set free those who are bound. We bless you and we praise your name forever. The student is living in the locality, not solely for school purposes, as an emancipated minor. We truly couldn't have done it without you!