The Form Catalog consists of Circuit, County Civil, Probate, Simplified Divorce, Tenant Eviction and Traffic, Felony and Misdemeanor form packages. Choose Type of Court (Trial), County and Division.Enter the case number (correct format, case sensitive!). (CCLS) provides pro bono or low-cost immigration services to eligible families and individuals. For information about a matter before the immigration court, you may call 1-800-898-7180 to speak with them directly. Serving All of Broward County, Florida. PLEASE READ: The Immigration Unit does not accept walk-ins. If you want to speak to an immigration attorney, you must fill out this application completely. The online Immigration Court Interpreter course addresses all the elements required except the one-year experience in the legal field. Use LawHelp Interactive to fill out court forms and other legal documents for yourself, a friend or a family member.