The notice of appeal should be filed in the County Clerk's office in which the decision was rendered (civil cases) or room 220 of the Broward County. The lower tribunal is the court or agency whose order you are appealing. 2.Insert the appellant's name (usually your name). 3. Civil Appeal cases require filing the original Notice of Appeal. A copy of the court order must be attached to the original filing. 1. The conviction must have occurred in the 17th Judicial Circuit of Florida (Broward County). 2. Your failure to comply THE ORDER APPEALED FROM IS with this subpoena is punishable as a contempt of court and will make you liable to ALL PARTIES TO SAID CAUSE. Supreme Court forms are provided in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). For other forms, please see rule 9.900 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. 1. Print clearly and complete the form in its entirety. 2.