You have 5 days to file an Answer form or other response after you're handed (served) the Summons and Complaint forms. This program will help you write a letter that formally requests the money you are owed.This is called a Demand Letter. The Superior Court of Contra Costa County is conducting an open recruitment to fill a permanent Administrative Assistant- Confidential position. Sample templates are available using the links below; Landlords may use their own notice as long as it includes the information covered in the template. The Superior Court of Contra Costa County is conducting a recruitment to fill permanent Clerk IV positions. If you submit a Claim Form, you will give up the right to sue Clinivate in a separate lawsuit about the claims this Settlement resolves. Rules of Court, rule 3.1204(b)(1); Super. Ct. Contra Costa County, Local Rules, rule 7.104(b)):. Requesting a postponement of jury service for the United States District Court, Central District of California.