The first thing you will need to request a continuance is a valid reason. When writing a letter to a judge to request a postponement of a court date, it's essential to be clear, concise, and respectful.Here's a template you can use. I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST that the Court grant my Request for Continuance. I ALSO REQUEST that the Court award any other relief it considers fair and proper. THE COURT FINDS that the temporary emergency custody of the abovenamed minor may continue for the following reasons: 1. All forms are ADA accessible, and you can handwrite or type into the PDF form to fill it out. As I explained today, I need a continuance of the hearing on (date) . This Easy Form helps you ask a judge to reschedule your hearing date or give you more time to do something. When writing a continuance letter, it's necessary to highlight the reasons compelling you to request a postponement.