Addendum to Order – Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law -- Indian Child Welfare Act). These are the official forms for use in Family Court proceedings.Everything you need to write a declaration letter to the judge in your custody case: an example, a downloadable template, an outline and tips. HERE ARE THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO FILL OUT THE FORMS: STEP 1- Complete the Petition for Change of Custody and Child Support. The court may require that you appear in person for a hearing or a judge may decide based upon the information you provide on the In Forma Pauperis form. What parents and witnesses need to know about character reference letters to the court for child custody. Includes a downloadable sample and template. The Verification form tells the Court that you swear, under oath, that what you wrote or put in the Petition is true and correct. Declaration of Sole Custody. This petition is intended for mothers attempting to obtain a passport for a minor child born out of wedlock.