To request a disposition for a defendant who has a sealed case, you must have a letter from the defendant. The letter must: Be notarized.You need photo I.D. and the docket number of each case. General Forms: Affidavit of Service of Initiating Papers, Answer Form, Consolidation Order, Order Form Page 2, Default Judgement Order, Joint Trial Order. Some reports are only available online while requests for Certificates of Conduct must be made in person at Police Headquarters in Lower Manhattan. As of February 1, 2018, the King County Sheriff's Office, as well any of our contract cities, no longer processes requests for Clearance Letters. The first step to obtaining a security clearance is to fill out a clearance application form, usually online. A. Prepare a signed application-letter addressed to: THE CLERK OF COURT OCC, RTC-(Station). Indicating the following details:. The CRA will send the legal representative an acknowledgement letter within 45 days of receiving the request for a clearance certificate.