Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County. Click "forms" and enter the form numbers below (all forms begin with AOC-E-__).The PLAINTIFF must file a small claim action in the county where the claim arose (i.e. Where the motor vehicle was repaired, towed or stored). ECourts comprises several enterprise-level software systems that work together to provide integrated case management for courthouse officials and employees. These rules shall govern the procedure in the superior and district courts of the State of North Carolina in all actions and proceedings of a civil nature. Mecklenburg County Courthouse. These rules shall govern the procedure in the superior and district courts of the State of North Carolina in all actions and proceedings of a civil nature. The Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, seeks an Assistant Clerk for its Estates Division. Struggle with the current form of plan) to fill out.