Pick the reference date from the appropriate input in the North Carolina Deadline Calculator form. The form will help you enter the date in the correct format.The judgment payoff calculator is provided as a convenience to allow you to estimate the payoff amount of a judgment. Use this worksheet when one parent (or a third party) has primary physical custody of all of the children for whom support is being determined. Use our free Small Claims Demand Letter template to file a complaint with the Small Claims court. Looking for local rules and forms? A demand letter is an official notice requesting money, possession of assets, or action on a legal matter. Use this worksheet when (a) Parents share custody of all the children for whom support is being determined, or (b) when one parent has primary physical custody. The character reference letter for court serves the purpose of offering the Judge insights into the Defendant's moral or mental attributes. If you've been asked to write to the judge, use our sample character reference letter and fill-in-the-blank template.