Looking for local rules and forms? Examples of commonly needed forms and documents for North Carolina traffic cases.General Civil Action Cover Sheet PDF, 216 KB. These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. We present the following general formula for catalyzing the conversion of your client's paper judgment into something of tangible value (debt collection). Use this worksheet when one parent (or a third party) has primary physical custody of all of the children for whom support is being determined. The character reference letter for court serves the purpose of offering the Judge insights into the Defendant's moral or mental attributes. Lawsuits are commenced with the delivery of a summons and complaint to the Clerk of Court. Although filing a lawsuit is uniform throughout North Carolina, the. The North Carolina Lemon Law, also known as the New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (N.